
Enrolment Dates and Fees

Important Dates

Enrolment Applications for Years 8-12

Please contact the College Registrar to discuss current enrolment vacancies on 9807 2644.

Year 7, 2026 Applications:

For families still considering their 2025 decisions, we invite you to come forward to discuss possible availability. The closing date for Year 7, 2026 is Friday 16 August 2024.

Enrolment Applicant Family Interviews

If you applied for Year 7, 2026, you and your son will be invited to the College to attend a Family Interview during the months of August/September/October. This interview will provide the College to get to know your family and understand your son’s goals/needs while providing the opportunity to answer any questions you and your family may have. Any specific circumstances may be discussed in confidence at this time.

2026 Enrolment Offers: Friday 18 October 2024

Enrolment offers will be sent by postal mail to successful applicants. Unsuccessful applicants will also be advised by post with the opportunity to remain on our waiting list.

Acceptance of Year 7, 2026 Enrolment Offers: Friday 8 November 2024

Parents will have until this date to accept or notify ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ of their alternative arrangement regarding their son’s enrolment. Once enrolment offers have been accepted and your son’s place at ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ has been secured, you and your son will be invited to participate in our Year 7 2026 Becchi Transition Program.

Choosing a School for Your Child

Don’t let fees dictate your decision.

It can be challenging to identify the school that is the best fit for your child. Our 8 critical step guide will help you:
  • Understand the enrolment process
  • Determine if the school offers a holistic education
  • Equip yourself with the information needed to make an informed decision

Enter your details below to receive the PDF.


View our

2024 Fees

Download PDF


Current Students: Pay Tuition Fees

If your child is a current student and you are looking to pay your tuition fee, click below to access.

Please note: Only existing families can pay their tuition fees online. If you are a new family looking to pay enrolment fees, please contact the College.