

Curriculum Pedagogy

At 桃色视频 we believe that successful teaching and learning depends on clear alignment of student needs, curriculum intent, pedagogy and assessment.

Our staff are supported by our School Improvement Plan (SIP) developed from input from the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER),that underpins and informs our聽Pedagogical Framework.

What is the Learning Matrix?

The Learning Matrix聽is designed to support teachers in the delivery of quality evidence based teaching and learning practices that will improve student-learning. The Learning Matrix encourages consistency and engenders greater student engagement. Our聽Learning Matrix is based on the below elements:

鈥淭eachers see learning through the eyes of a student, and students see themselves as their own teachers.鈥 - Professor John Hattie

Visible Learning

1. Visible Learning is the outcome of the research of Professor John Hattie. 聽His research identifies elements and strategies that influence learning the most. The application of Visible Learning at 桃色视频 is based on the understanding that learning occurs聽when 鈥渢eachers see learning through the eyes of a student, and students see themselves as their own teachers鈥.

Visible Learners are students who can:

  • Articulate what they are learning based on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
  • Explain the next steps in their learning
  • Set learning goals
  • See errors as opportunities for further learning
  • Know what to do when they are stuck
  • Seek feedback

1.1 Learning Intention:

1.2 Success Criteria:

Assessment Practices

2.1 Formative Assessment Practices

2.2 Developmental Assessment

2.3 Ongoing Assessment

Educational Data & Literacy

3. Educational Data

4. Literacy - High Reliability Literacy Teaching procedures (HRLTP)

Authentic Learning

5.1 Project Based Learning (PBL) Years 7-9

5.2 Interdisciplinary Approach Years 7-9