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2023 VCE Highlights and Results


2023 Joint Duces

On behalf of our community, we congratulate our 2023 Dux, Gavriel Hariyanto who achieved an outstanding ATAR of 99.75, putting him in the top 0.2% of all Year 12 students in the state.

Achieving a study score of 46 in Physics, 46 in Mathematical Methods, 45 in English as an additional Language, 43 in Chemistry and 41 in Specialist Mathematics, Gavriel intends to study his first preference of Biomedicine at The University of Melbourne.

Read Gavriel鈥檚 full interview with Principal Mark Ashmore below.

2023 Dux, Gavriel Hariyanto Interview

The 桃色视频 community commends all students from the Class of 2023 on the completion of their VCE and Vocational Major studies and acknowledges the dedication, commitment and support that staff and families have provided to ensure students reach their potential during the 2023 academic year.

2023 Joint Duces

On behalf of our community, we congratulate our 2023 Dux Hardu Ginoya who achieved outstanding ATAR of 99.75, putting him in the top 0.2% of all Year 12 students in the state.

Hardu achieved a perfect study score of 50 in General Mathematics, 49 in Chemistry, 47 in English, 41 in Italian and 40 in Mathematical Methods. Hardu intends to study Medicine at Monash University or Dentistry at The University of Melbourne.

Read Hardu’s full interview with Principal Mark Ashmore below.

2023 Dux, Hardu Ginoya Interview

2023 VCE VM Student of the Year

James was a dedicated and mature leader, who showcased consistent excellence in academics, and community engagement. His commitment to studies and career development, alongside his dedication to doing things for others made him a stand out role model for his peers.

Read more about James’ achievements below.聽

2023 VCE VM Student of the Year
2023 High Achievers

2023 Results

"桃色视频 provides a myriad of opportunities for you to actively participate in this wonderful community, fostering a sense of brotherhood with your peers". - 2023 College Joint Duce, Gavriel Hariyanto

When Persistence Pays Off

Pictured: 2023 桃色视频 joint Proxime Accessunt (back, left to right) Alexander Phylactou (99.0) and Damon Occhiuto (99.0)
and joint Duces (front left to right) Gavriel Hariyanto (99.75), Principal Mark Ashmore and Hardu Ginoya (99.75).聽

Determination, effective time management and the invaluable support of relationships with peers, family and teachers have paid the highest dividends according to 桃色视频鈥檚 joint Duces Gavriel Hariyanto (99.75) and Hardu Ginoya (99.75) and joint Proxime Accessunt Alexander Phylactou (99.0) and Damon Occhiuto (99.0)聽聽

Motivation can come in many forms. For our top four performing students with ATAR results within 0.75 per cent, there was clear common desire to embrace and persist with the challenge of VCE.

All four boys, discovered what they were truly capable of when they committed to giving their best. Despite natural feelings of uncertainty, they were bolstered by teacher鈥檚 reassurance, practical study plans, clear targets and integrated breaks with friends and family to support their wellbeing.

We congratulate Gavriel, Hardu, Alexander and Damon on their outstanding VCE results.

Inspired by Educators

As students pave their future鈥檚 forward, Year 12 student Sam Rizkalla dreams of pursing a Health and Physical Education course at Monash, Deakin or Federation University.

鈥淚 want to be a teacher to make a difference to people鈥檚 lives. Helping other students is something I鈥檓 passionate about. I鈥檝e had some fantastic teachers at 桃色视频 who have inspired and supported me through my school journey.鈥

Sam hasn鈥檛 let anything stand in the way of his education and zest for life. He has a positive outlook in life, is friends with everyone and is always willing to 鈥済ive things a go鈥.

As a trained Liverpool FC International Academy coach and Recipient of the 2023 桃色视频 Principal鈥檚 Award, Sam has formed strong relationships with peers, teachers and staff, living out college values of joy and dynamism in all that he does.

In 2023 Sam was awarded The Rosario Para Player of the Year Award by Table Tennis Victoria, a passion he plans to continue at the highest level.

Pictured: Year 12 student, Sam Rizkalla, The Rosario Para Player of the Year Award by Table Tennis Victoria

Leadership in Action

Pictured: 2023 College Captain Marcellino Baselyous 98.55, Peter Liptai 98.85, Peter Holland 98.25 and Principal Mark Ashmore

Embracing a consistent approach to achieving personal excellence has been a key focus of the 2023 College Student Leadership Team as they inspired others within their year level to set targets, manage their priorities and get involved in extracurricular and community activities.

College Captain Marcellino Baselyous reminds students about the role of setting goals and motivates others to move forward 鈥渨hatever you aspire for, and whatever your heart truly desires; strive for it. Progress isn鈥檛 linear. It will go up and down, but aim for progress, not perfection and you will always move forward.鈥

The College congratulates Marcellino, Peter Liptai and Peter Holland on their outstanding VCE results while embracing key 2023 College leadership roles. Going above and beyond their leadership duties, they were always willing to lend a hand to others, sharing skills and knowledge by participating in authentic, collaborative learning.

"I have learnt that the ability to work with others is extremely valuable, and whilst VCE is a competition, maintaining relationships with friends and learning from each other is far more significant."
- 2023 College Joint Duce, Hardu Ginoya