VCE Highlights and Results

2023 VCE VM Student of the Year

VCE Highlights and Results

2023 VCE VM Student of the Year – James Avedissian-Brown

Pictured: 2023 VCE VM Student of the Year – James Avedissian-Brown and College Principal – Mark Ashmore

James demonstrated consistent leadership in class, in projects and events and was a positive advocate for the Applied Learning program within the College and at Parent Information Evenings as well as the wider community. James always showed maturity and was a positive role model for his peers. He demonstrated a strong commitment to both his studies and to his career development through his work placement, exemplified by his success in securing an electrotechnology apprenticeship. He constantly went above and beyond with the major projects run within the Applied Learning space such as the: Food Around the World Festival, Bake Sale, World’s Greatest Shave and the ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ Cup. James fostered great relationships with all his teachers and has been an excellent role model and mentor for the Year 11 Applied Learning students..

On behalf of ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ, we congratulate James on the commitment and perseverance he has demonstrated over the course of his time at ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ and during 2023. We look forward to hearing about all of his future accomplishments.